Archangel Michael
He is the Archangel who oversees lightworkers and helps them unfold and fulfill their purposes. He helps with the release and transmutation of fear and negative energy. Call on Michael when you are feeling afraid in any way. He can help you feel safe and bring you the courage you need to move forward toward your desired goals. Michael also assists in cleansing negative energies from any person, place or situation.
Archangel Gabriel
This Archangel can have either a masculine or feminine energy. Known as the angel that announced the coming birth of Christ, Gabriel is associated with communication. Call on Gabriel to assist with you with any kind of communication, whether it is talking openly with a loved one or speaking your truth. He also assists writers, journalists, and artists in getting their messages out to the world.
Archangel Raphael
He is the healing angel. Raphael works closely with those in healing professions and assists people in discovering their healing abilities. You can call on Raphael when you are physically ill or injured or send him to the side of anyone who is in need of healing.
Archangel Uriel
He is the wise angel who sheds light on all darkness. When you are feeling depressed, angry, victimized, or confused, call on Uriel. He will come and pour his golden light over you and help you release anger, unforgiveness, and any other negative emotions that may be clouding your vision and judgment. He will help you find peace and answers.
Archangel Zophiel
Name means “beauty of God.” Also known as Iophiel and Zophiel, she is the Patron Archangel of Artists, who helps us see and maintain beauty in life. Call upon Jophiel before beginning any artistic project. Since Jophiel is involved in beautifying the planet by cleansing it of pollution, ask her for assignments to help in this vital mission.
Archangel Chamuel
Name means “he who sees God.” This archangel is also known by several other names, including Camael, Camiel, Camiul, Camniel, Cancel, Johoel, Kemuel, Khamael, Seraphiel, and Shemuel. Archangel Chamuel helps us find and locate important parts of our lives. Call upon Chamuel to find a new love relationship, new friends, a new job, or any lost item. Once found, Chamuel will help you build and maintain your new situation. So, call upon Chamuel if you need help in repairing any misunderstandings in any personal or work relationship.
Archangel Zadkiel
Name means “righteousness of God.” Zadkiel helps us attain freedom through forgiveness, and he is known as the Patron Archangel of Those Who Forgive. For this reason, call upon Zadkiel to help you release toxins from anger and unforgiveness (toward yourself or another). Zadkiel helps us to view others with compassion, instead of judgment.