What are archangel Raphael’s powers?

Archangel Raphael is the Heavenly Healer, the keeper of the scientific search, of the knowledge applied to the substance, He’s also the keeper of the intelligence, of scientific speculation and of the inquiry.

Archangel Raphael

Raphael means “Heavenly Healer”, or “God Heals”, he’s guardian Angels chief, the Providence Angel watching over all mankind.

He’s the pilgrims’ protector: more than travellers in general, in fact, he takes care of who is engaged in a pilgrimage towards God. He travels with a stick and the sandals, the water-bottle and the sack across his back. He’s the Archangel who from the oldest times has in custody the power to heal.

In more modern times his rule has extended over the medicine, the pharmacology, the chemistry. Archangel Raphael is mentioned in the Old Testament, when, disguised as any human being, he appears to young Tobia and accompanies and protects him in a long journey and full of dangers. The cabalistic tradition has coupled Raphael to Mercury planet of which he’s the ruler Archangel.

Even for Greeks Mercury was the Lord of Medicine, but this is a union which has its origins in the most ancient times. In the most ancient representations, Mercury has got a rod in his hand on which two snakes coil. His touch had an immediate healing effect. The occult meaning is very interesting: the rod represents man’s spine.

See also  Archangel Raphael

The two snakes are the two nervous systems: the vagus and the sympathetic. The point from which the snakes start, with their tails touching, is the coccyx, the seat of the vital energy.

Through seven spirals (the seven chakras) the two sakes face up but don’t touch. This symbol was so well-known and revered in ancient times it has come intact so far and it is still the badge of Doctors’ Order and of Chemists’ one. To Raphael is ascribed the drawing up of the so-called “Emerald Table”, the Magic unchangeable laws, still unsurpassed.

Raphael is the chief Archangel of the numberless healer Angels formations. They’ve got the task to give out the healing energy to those who ask them for, invoking them. Besides, Raphael is the keeper of the scientific search, of the knowledge applied to the substance.
He belongs to the Earth Element, he dominates the zodiacal constellation of the Virgo and the ones of the Taurus and Capricorn. According to traditional astrology, the Virgo is dominated by Mercury and under this sign there are nurses, chemists, scientific searchers.

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He’s also the keeper of the intelligence, of scientific speculation and of the inquiry. Mercury, in his totality is within Raphael’s rule, who controls the electromagnetic energy, also called etheric vitality or prana.

Raphael’s vibrations have a violet color, in all its shades.

This color results from red (Archangel Michael) and blue (Archangel Gabriel) mixture and corresponds to Raphael’s role as Michael and Gabriel collaborator in the creation of the red blood within the human body.

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