Archangel Metatron
Metatron is Divinity’s special correspondent for all the matters belonging to our World: he determines the union between Wish and Reason, with the aim to project the abstract realities from Heavenly Worlds to Lower Worlds.
In other words, Archangel Metatron grants to our mentality and sensitiveness the power to clearly get what exists in the Spirit Worlds in the form of possible creations, so that for us the Creation becomes a coherent whole. This Archangel offers us the Knowledge; reveals us the aim, the purpose, the Divinity’s plans.
By the mind and the feelings, his energy reveals us the reason for which the things are like this. Thanks to him, we can know the future, our future: in fact the energy run by Metatron reveals the Creation complete Plan vision, a whole of particulars that haven’t been realized yet. Thanks to this vision, we can understand why it’s useful to adopt a determinate line of action, and also Cosmic Laws purpose.
Metatron is the one who infuses the Will. We can say he’s placed at the top of a tower from which it’s possible to watch everything happening down: every question we ask him will have an answer fully caught by our mind and wholly understood by our feelings.
Then Metatron doesn’t let us see what he explains us. It’s not his task to give rise to clairvoyance since we’re not able to get in just a picture the progressive development of a cosmic process. To men longing for perceiving his radiations, he reveals, in his various phases, the development of every single thing, from the initial germ to the conclusive solidification.
If on one hand this Archangel allows us to know the past, in another way he reveals us the facts as they will be in a near or in a distant future. In conclusion, from Metatron we get the prophecy gift.