Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon, known as the Angel of Power and Glory, assists in harnessing divine power for co-creation, empowering mind, body, and spirit

Sandalphon’s name means “brother” in Greek and is a reference to his twin brother, Archangel Metatron.

The Angel of Power and Glory, Sandalphon, will help you tap into the power of co-creation within, empowering mind, body and Spirit.

Power is often misused, abused and even misunderstood. No one willingly chooses to be powerless and yet many of us feel that we don’t have the power to truly change our reality without struggle and sacrifice.

Each one of us has within us, the key to unlocking Divine Power, co-creating a reality so powerfully amazing our conscious mind cannot completely comprehend this truth.

We have at our fingertips the gift of being able to harness power, transforming thought and emotion into physical form.

Each one of us is also gifted with the capability of transforming negative energy, thoughts, and emotions through the power of surrender.

If we have the faith the size of a mustard seed, we can literally change our reality. Reality is a perception of truth. Truth is what we believe we can achieve.

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Before we can truly begin co-creating easily, effortlessly and consistently, we must be willing to accept and own our power and live our truth.

We are taught to hide behind a mask, concealing truth, power and what we truly desire. In the process of coming face-to-face with all facets of our journey in physical form, we must re-learn to stand, fully transparent in the truth of who we are.

Being fully and completely transparent is counter to the concept of control over all we say, do and feel. Power is the ability to reach deep within, unafraid of what others will say, think or feel about us and what we are doing with our life.

To truly co-create a new, powerful reality we must be willing to walk away from everything we have come to accept as truth.

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Ask Sandalphon to help you embrace your gifts and tune into the wisdom of the ages with humility and grace.

With each prayer request, be open to receive. Believing with every fiber of your Being is essential in harnessing the power of co-creation in its purest form.

Ask for opportunities to manifest in concrete form bringing forth all you desire into your experience, work and relationships. Be mindful, for there can be nothing where there is even the smallest doubt… causing lack and delay.

There is no one-way to receive that which you have requested and now claim as your own.

Every step forward, accepting our power is another step into the light and into the truth of who we are… whole, complete and perfect… lacking nothing.


Prières de guérison et d'intercession aux Anges Gardiens