Archangel Metatron

Metatron, who is also the prophet and scribe Enoch, is said to have “Walked withGod” and retained his God-given purity during his mortal life.

Archangel Metatron is perhaps the greatest of all heavenly hierarchs. ‘Cosmic  Consciousness’ and Light body activation.
Metatron is keeper of the Akashic records and he holds the keys to understanding sacred geometry.

archangel Metatron guidance and protection


He is one of the only two archangels who were once mortal men who walked upon the earth and was escorted directly by God to the seventh Heaven to reside and work.

His job is to record everything that happened on Earth and keep it in the Akashic records. He also has a very special place in his heart for children.

See also  Chamuel is the archangel of love

Although he is passionate about all childhood issues and encourages everyone to call on him for concerns about their children.

His aura is beautiful green and pink stripes.

The crystal aligned with Metatron’s energy is watermelon tourmaline.

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