I am filled with whole, complete and perfect peace

I take a moment to be still and listen to the voice of God within me.


When I have gone as hard as I can all day long;
when fears for loved ones have harried me;
when my courage has faltered and the worries of the day crowd in on me;
when I wonder how I can take another step,
smile another smile,
lend another helping hand
I take a moment to be still and listen to the voice of God within me.

I whisper in the depths of my soul:
“Peace, peace.
I am filled with whole, complete, and perfect peace.
My eyes see peace, my ears hear peace, my lips speak peace,
my whole being radiates infinite, omnipresent peace.
From the top of my head to the tip of my toes,
I am the perfect expression of peace.

It cleanses, heals, purifies, renews, and revitalizes me now.
I am at peace.”

See also  Prayer to saint Joseph
soignez les animaux avec les pierres et cristaux