What is the meaning of Angel?

Angels are commonly depicted as benevolent and divine entities in various religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and others

Angel means messenger.

That name is given to those pure spirits because such is the relation they bear to God and us. Their principal duty, however, is the same as the office of the blessed in heaven to see, love, bless, and enjoy God for ever and ever. Among the ancients there were many who believed there was nothing in the world but what could be seen or perceived by the senses.

The Sadducees, for instance, did not believe in the existence of spirits. It is the boast of modern atheists and rationalists that there is nothing but “Nature” and “the forces of Nature”, with them there are no angels.

Some of the Greek philosophers held that there were angels, but that these angels had bodies ,not, indeed, cor poreal, dense bodies like ours, but bodies suitable to their nature thin, airy, star-like bodies.

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Some, even, of the Fathers, on account of the angels being represented as having the appearance of men, seemed to favour the theory of their having bodies. Petavius says that Irenajus, Tertullian, Origen, and others held this doctrine.

Now, Catholics say that the angels are pure spirits because, wherever in the Scripture they are introduced they2 The Angels. are simply called by the name of spirit.

“Are they not all ministering spirits ?” (Heb. i. 14).

” Who makest Thy angels spirits” (Ps. ciii.).

The Fourth Council of Lateran has defined that ” God created together, at the beginning of time, out of nothing, both classes of creatures, spiritual and corporal the angelic, to wit, and the material ; and then the human, as a compo site of both spirit and body”.

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Even Aristotle says:

“All nations believe that there are individual intelligences beyond the skies that these are subject to no change and to no passion ; that they are in enjoyment of the fullest and most perfect life, which consists not so much in action as in contemplation, that they have a king, that they differ from men, and are inconceivably more excellent”.

Prières au sang précieux et aux saintes plaies de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ