Of what rank was the Archangel Gabriel who was sent to Virgen Mary?

Archangel Gabriel is often considered one of the highest-ranking angels. Gabriel is known for delivering important messages from God and is especially renowned for the role played in the Annunciation

Archangel Gabriel is generally regarded as a high-ranking angel, often referred to as an archangel, and is particularly well-known for delivering the important message to the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus.

It is against our preconceived notions to con sider the Archangel Gabriel as belonging to any of the inferior ranks of angels, both because of the dignity of our Blessed Lady, as well as of the solemn, tremendous, and absolutely unique mission on which he came.

The question arises, then, Is any member of the higher choirs ever sent on a message to earth ? St. Athanasius, Scotus, Molina say yes.

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Great names say no St. Dionysius, St. Bona- venture, St. Thomas. Suarez, however, says that God does sometimes dispense with the laws that guide the angelic kingdom, as He does in the case of miracles on earth ; and the common belief is that Gabriel must be one of the highest of the order of Seraphim, if not the very highest, because of our Blessed Lady and the unspeakable mystery of the Incarnation.

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