Is there such a thing as possession by the devil?

The belief is that a person can come under the control or influence of a malevolent spiritual entity, often identified with the devil or demons.

  By ” possession ” is meant that power of the demon over the body of a person, by which he harasses it in various ways, sometimes without ceasing, sometimes at intervals.

Obsession is different from possession.

It is called obsession when the demon seems to act from outside the person, possession when from within.

On this account ” possessed persons ” are technically called energumens, i.e., afflicted or harassed internally.

St. Bonaventure says : ” By the permission of God, demons may enter human bodies, and worry and annoy them.”

The holy text, as also Augustine in his work on Divination, declare that demons, by their subtle and spiritual nature, can enter bodies, and without any obstacle or impediment subsist in them and by their power as angels they can disturb and harass them.

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God permits this, either for His own glory, or for punishment, or the correction of the sinner, or for our instruction  but from which one of these causes definitely no one may guess, as ” God’s ways are hidden ways “.

  • Christianity: The belief in demonic possession is most commonly associated with Christianity, particularly in instances of exorcism. In Christian theology, demons are believed to be fallen angels who rebelled against God. The New Testament of the Bible contains several accounts of Jesus and his disciples casting out demons from individuals believed to be possessed. The Roman Catholic Church, among other Christian denominations, has specific rituals for exorcism.
  • Other Religions: Similar concepts exist in other religions. For example, in Islam, the Quran acknowledges the existence of jinn, supernatural beings created from smokeless fire, some of which may be malevolent and influence humans. Islamic traditions also involve the recitation of specific verses for protection against malevolent forces.
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